Saturday, August 16, 2008

Why is the concept of good food for kids scary?

Go to any eatery and the options for kids are easy....

They consist of some kind of cheese substance either locked in bread and grilled, slathered over some kind of macaroni or sandwiched between two tortillas. If you are lucky, there *may* be a fruit cup or apple sauce involved, but don't bet on it.

My son has a more educated palate because I fed him real food! Most times we go out, he winds up eating a regular entree because I just can't see him eating all that fat and so little flavor. MacPoison? Don't bet on it.......if mom needs coffee BAD or if there is absolutely nothing else in the area for breakfast, he gets the eggs and greasy hash browns with an OJ and I pray the gods of motherhood will forgive me for feeding my child drek.

Yet, there are whole covens of mothers out there who think Lunchables are a good idea....really, spins the mind in my skull like a lone towel in the rinse and dry cycle of a commercial washer but it is true. And why is that? Maybe because we started to think Home Ec was not cool or the fact that it was cut due to budget shortages that grew bigger than the average teen's waistband. Have we all forgotten the vegetable, and no.........french fries and ketchup do not count!

I have taught in preschools where moms drop their children off with pringles and chocolate pudding for lunch, and a carton of chocolate milk. Ok, so I do understand that there are a lot of finicky eaters out there, but training their palates to eat nothing but sugar and fat will do you no good. Sometimes, mom, you have to tell them the carrot is all they get. Kids have to learn to love the lettuce. If all you give them is sugar, sugar is all they will want.

We need to take over what is offered. If you go to a diner, cafe, fast food place and all you see is deep fried goo, complain, urge management to look at options that are grilled, fish that is not just fried in sticks, veggies that are not just potato sticks. If we do not do all we can to keep our kids from lying dead on a slab at 10 due to a massive coronary, who will?

And get in touch with your school board and demand life skills classes be offered for both boys and girls. It is not just a good idea, but necessary for everyone to learn what a balanced meal looks like and how to make one.

And................for that matter folks, get in the kitchen with your kid. Is there a favorite food you remember as a kid? Is it healthy? Cook it with your kids. Research menu ideas for the whole family that include healthy eating options. Who knows? You may wind up losing a few too, and please tell me the down side to that.....